A question came up the other day. How do you filter rows in a dataframe based on specific values in a column?
My original inclination was to perform a series of tests on the values needed, then use that as the mask.
First, a recap of row selection from a Pandas DataFrame...
To select all rows, just call the dataframe...
To return a single column, specify that in brackets.
That returns a Series.
To see whether certain values are in that Series, you can test for it using a specific value like shown below:
df["day"] == "Friday"
This returns a Series of True/False values depending on whether a particular entry matches the test or not.
Let us assign that to a mask variable. We will use Monday instead of Friday.
mask = df["day"] == "Monday"
We can now use this to subset rows that meet this requirement.
This gives us just the rows that meet this requirement.
If we need to return rows for several masks, we need to use the bitwise "or" operator "|"
First, let us create the different masks
mask_Saturday = df["day"] == "Saturday"
mask_Sunday = df["day"] == "Sunday"
mask_Monday = df["day"] == "Monday"
Now let's subset the rows with these masks.
df[mask_Saturday | mask_Sunday | mask_Monday]
This returns the following rows.
That is a lot of typing.
That got me thinking...
Was there a simpler way to do this?
I ran the following command:
to get a list of attributes/methods belonging to it.
On scrolling down, I came across the isin()
method. That looked promising. On checking the documentation, I realised it was exactly what I needed. You just pass a list of words to it, and if it finds a match in the DataFrame, it will create that mask and return the values needed.
df[df["day"].isin(["Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday"])]
Exact same results as before. With much less typing.
What's not to like about pd.Series.isin()